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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anxiously Waiting

This delay on the decision on Worlds is killing me! The only official press releases by the ISU talk about when the next press release is coming - none give actual information.  However, this gives me hope that the ISU is actually scrambling to find a new location ASAP.  OTherwise, I feel like the ISU would have already cancelled Worlds.  If Worlds do end up being cancelled, I'm going to be really pissed off, as they could have told us this 4 days ago.  The only information we have is that they may be in October.  There are many reasons why this is not a good idea.

  1. This is way after the end of the 10/11 season, and skaters would have no off-season
  2. Skaters would not have time to prepare new programs, unless they decided to debut new programs for worlds
  3. This is right before the GPS, so we would see many skaters taking the GPS off
  4. Would 2012 worlds still be in March?
  5. One of the main reasons for this is because of shows.  THIS is their job, the shows are for the offseason.  Worlds > Shows.
So, in conclusion, Worlds needs to happen before May, and probably in a European country.
If anyone sees new information, send me a link!

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