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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pick of the day - February 27

It won't let me embed the video, but you can watch it here:

It's Tomas Verner's LP from 2007 Worlds!  I really like the way he attacked his jumps, specifically his quads, at worlds in 07, and I hope he can repeat that at worlds which will be in Japan again.  With his new training style and better conditioning, I have no doubt he would be able to land that triple flip at the end this season.  I just really want him to do well at worlds this year, and I want him to show everyone that he is now a consistent skater.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pick of the Day - February 23

I don't think I have ever written a post on Laura Lepisto, as she hasn't competed this season, but she is one of my favorite ladies skaters.  This is my favorite performance of hers, and it is probably her favorite LP performance too!

I really hope she will be back for worlds this season! I enjoy this program a lot and I think it suits her well, and I am looking forward to seeing a new SP from her.  One thing I love about Laura is her confidence - she is not afraid to make eye-contact with the judges, and her posture is always straight.  The thing that frustrates me about her (and probably frustrates everyone else) is the high number of doubles she does in her program.  Granted, they are nice quality doubles and don't seem out of whack (which is why I don't understand why she doesn't rotate...)  Anyway, I hope she has recovered from her injury in time for worlds.  I actually prefer her skating over Korpi and Kostner - she doesn't make me nervous when she skates.  Yes she pops, but hardly ever falls, and her technique is very pure and pleasing.  I would like for her to redeem herself at worlds this year with a long program with more than 3 triples to show she deserves the bronze medal she received last year.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Most Difficult Exhibition EVER!

OK, another Mao post...sorry.  But there's just so much to say!

Someone was kind enough to upload a video from the 07-08 season I had never seen before.  I believe it was a Japan Super Challenge competition in 2008, but I am not sure.  This program to So Deep it the Night has always been one of my favorites, so I was excited.  She lands the lutz as usual, and then goes into a huge 3F+3Lo with her long hair half down all over the place!  I was very impressed.  She goes on to do the 3 2As as usual, followed her lovely spiral, and I expected her to do a nice triple loop.  But no - she goes for a triple axel, with her hair down, in spotlights, THREE AND A HALF MINUTES INTO HER PROGRAM - AND SHE STANDS UP!  That is just crazy.  No-one ever goes a 3A that late in a competitive program, and I mean the men.  I don't know how she did it, but somehow she did.  Yes, it is under-rotated and two-footed, but who cares?!?  She went for it and stood up.  This girl is just full of surprises, so I don't doubt that she will surprise us, hopefully in a good way, at worlds in March.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thoughts on 4CC

Four Continents was not broadcasted in the US this year, and since I have a Mac I had to wait for youtube videos to show up.  :/

I do have a few thoughts on the competition, though.

First of all, almost all of my predictions were wrong.  The only one that was close was my ladies prediction.  That just goes to show that ice is slippery. :)

1.) Daisuke Takahasi - I like the new changes in his LP and his new FUSp.  His triple axels were also GORGEOUS here.  I saw him land a couple of nice quads in practice, so hopefully that will be back in time for worlds to defend his title against Chan.  His camel positions still need improvement, but the programs were, in general, the best he's done all season.

2.) Yuzuru Hanyu - I was not expecting him to medal AT ALL.  He usually has trouble sustaining energy throughout his LP, but he held it together this time!  His quad and triple axels are some of the best in the world, and I expect him to rise to contender status in the next couple of years.

3.) Jeremy Abbott - I also did not expect him to podium after his disastrous free skate at US nationals, but I'm glad he proved me wrong.  Even though he did not land the quad, I'm glad he tried it because if he wants to be successful in the coming seasons, he is going to need it.  This was a nice ending to his season, and I am glad he was able to medal here.

But I am sad for Taka :( at least he came back in the LP, but I fear he peaked at TEB...

1.) Miki Ando - Her programs this year are very elegant and mature, which suits her style well.  Although I wish the 5 jumping passes in the LP were a little more broken up, I enjoyed her performances and note the efforts she has made to improve her stretch and in between movements.  Also, he SP could have more of an opening instead of just skating into the lutz combo.  Her jumps were clean, high, and well-executed with secure landings (especially the solo 3T in the LP).  The only thing I think she should change is the combo in her SP.  I saw a practice video of a clean 3S+3Lo, so she could do that and a solo 3Lz to maximize points in the SP.  Also, her 2A+3T is very secure, so I bet she could do a 3Lz+3T, which would also add more points.

2.) Mao Asada - I am a fan so I was VERY happy with her performances, especially the LP.  However, there are still some issues.  First of all, her SP is...well she can do A LOT better.  Something needs to change, else she has to skate the freaking lights out for it to be effective.  The music just drones and slows her down, and it doesn't even draw the audience in like other heavy music she has skated to (Bells, Masquerade).  On the other hand, her LP is just beautiful.  I loved it before, but it is even better now.  I love the added transitions in and out of the lutz, but she needs to add speed before both of her flip combos and her spiral.  On the sal, she just got anxious and released her left side, causing her to rotate outside of the circle which is why it was fugly.  Her 3A was the best one she has done since 2008 4CC.  Overall, this was a good step for her, and without the three errors she made in the second half, she shouldn't have a problem beating Miki even with 2 errors in the SP.

Even with the mistakes, this is the program I cannot stop watching.  Just the hesitations in the movements and the comfort with the choreo/music make me feel at ease. :)

3.) Mirai Nagasu - I knew it would be either her or Alissa, but I am glad it was Mirai as this is her final competition of the season.  She skated a great LP, and I like parts of it, but on the whole it could be constructed better.  For example, the ChSp should be where the arabesque spiral is, and the two spins at the end don't work for me either.  I just think she can do better, and am excited for her to get new programs next year.  I hope she skates to something more mature, but not overused - something on the lines of Miki's music.

I thought it was interesting that the entire Ladies podium was of Japanese heritage! Very pretty picture, but they all have very unique looks - Mao traditional, Miki sexy, Mirai cute.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Watch Out

Russian Junior Nationals happened a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't get a chance to watch any of the videos until today.  After watching Elizaveta's performance in the long program I have two words: watch out.  She reminds me of Miki Ando - all season she has struggled with the SP, but comes back strong to land many triples in the free.  Also, her jumps are big and she has great picking technique on her toe jumps - something that should stay with her as she grows.  However, her program is just awful.  The same two measures of this waltz repeat over and over and OVER again, AND this is her second season with this program.  Her memoirs of a Geisha program from 2 years ago was SO much better than this, and I can't wait for her to get a new program.  Someone like Lepisto with a great LP can afford to keep their program for two seasons.  This one just needs to go.

Anyway, in her LP at Russian Juniors she landed: 3Lz+3T, 3Lz, 3F, 2A+3T, 3Lo (scratchy), 3S+2T+2Lo, 2A tano.  Although her spins need work, it was impressive, and the speed she carries into her lutz jumps is great.  If her packaging improves, she can be a real threat on the senior stage in the next couple of years.  Although I personally prefer Adelina's classical style right now, this little girl can change that.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Four Continents Predictions

1.) Pang/Tong - they should have no problem winning here, but they should look to skate good, clean performances as a lead up to worlds.
2.) Takahashi/Tran - I really like this team, and if they skate two clean programs, I think they should be able to make the podium.
3.) Yankowskas/Coughlin if they skate like Nationals.  Their LP was emotionally and technically impressive.  If she lands her throws cleanly, they should do well here.

1.) Davis/White, obviously, but I hope they get some rest before this competition.  They looked tired at Nationals, and I don't want them to be burnt out by worlds. 
2.) Virtue/Moir, but they are a question mark - could be great, could need work, no one knows.
3.) Crone/Poirier, but there will be competition from the Shibutanis.  I really like both of these teams' programs this season, and I wish they could both be on the podium, but there are only three spaces.  It will go to whoever skates clean and gets their levels.

1.) Kozuka - he is the most consistent, and takes advantage when others falter.  Hopefully he will land his quad in the LP.  I expect he will be second or third after the SP, and quietly come from behind in the LP when no one is looking and kick everyone's butts! (GO TEAM SATO!!)
2.) Rippon - he has something to prove after placing 5th at Nationals.  This was his best event last year, and I think he will want to defend his title :)
3.) Takahashi - will probably win the SP, but make many small errors in the LP, dropping down to third.  If he goes for the quad flip, he will most likely be third, as it will be <<.

1.) Asada - she is on the upswing and has her confidence back.  If she trusts herself, she should have no problem winning.  I hope she nails her triple axels and goes for a triple-triple combo! (GO TEAM SATO!!)
2.) Ando - she has been skating solid LPs all season, and her SP is an improvement from whatever the hell she had on the GPS.  If she lands all her jumps, she has high enough technical content and GOEs (which I may not agree with) to place above Csizny's high PCS.
3.) Czisny - this is her year, but if she falters, Nagasu has something to prove after placing 3rd at Nationals.  This spot is up for grabs, and whoever skates clean can take it.  If the favorites bomb and Phaneuf goes clean (LOL!) she could sneak in their for a medal.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Going Through Withdrawal

With all of the excitement of the last couple of weeks, some of you may be experiencing some symptoms of withdrawal.  Fear not, as I am too, but this weekend is the perfect time to catch up on great performances of the season you haven't had time to see, and re-watch some of the season's best performances.

If you missed out on Europeans, or would like to revisit Sarah Meier's fabulous goodbye skate, this channel has many of the Ladies' programs.  This channel has all disciplines, but not as many lower-ranked skaters.

For US Nationals, this channel has many of the programs, but if you subscribe to IceNetwork, you can watch there.

The 7th Asian Winter games took place this past week in Kazakhstan.  You can watch the top performances here.  Kanako Murakami won the ladies event convincingly, and if she keeps up her level of training she could be a spoiler for the bronze at worlds.  Haruka Imai seems to have recovered from a disappointing Japanese Nationals to skate her best long program of the season and take the silver.  Min-jung Kwak has also recovered from a shaky grand prix series with two respectable programs, but she needs to add back the loop and do at least a double axel-triple toe, if not a triple-triple, if she wants to follow in Yu-na's footsteps.  Denis Ten also recovered from a...uh...not his best GPS and won the gold at home.  Takahito Mura claimed second and Nan Song finished third.

The Winter Universiade competition also took place this weekend.  Nobunari Oda competed, but did not try the quad in either of his programs.  Although he won, that will not be enough at worlds when he faces Takahashi, Kozuka, Chan, etc.  He needs to add the quad back if he wants to challenge for a medal.

If you are looking to revisit some of the more memorable performances of the season, here are some links.

Adelina Sotnikova
Nobunari Oda
Jeremy Abbott
Adam Rippon
Armin Mahbanoozadeh
Mao Asada
Alissa Czisny
Mirai Nagasu
Takahiko Kozuka
Daisuke Takahashi
Florent Amodio
Tomas Verner
Carolina Kostner
Kiira Korpi
Michal Brezina
Sarah Meier

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Meat Pick of the Day - February 3

Hehe new meat:)  I really like some new up-and-comers, and in some cases I prefer them to the old guys.

I really like Ross Miner a lot, and not just because he was the best dressed of the mens event :)  He also has strong basics and a nice spread eagle section in this program!  I will be rooting for him at worlds...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I know you are reading this...

I know you are reading my blog.

I would appreciate some feedback - it is my first blog and it is fairly new and I haven't gotten much feedback.  I give my opinions, and I know people look at my posts, but there are hardly ever any comments.  I know not everyone completely agrees with every word I write!