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Friday, February 1, 2013

Some thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts of mine:

1.) Loved Sotnikova in both the SP and the LP at Euros. Thought she did a great job, and found her LP bearable without the mistakes she was making earlier this season. Really like her SP a lot. Also really liked Kostner's LP but the 2S at the end detracted more than was reflected in the scores. While Adelina ended on a high note, Kostner ended with a wobble and that was the impression immediately left in my mind. Oh well there are arguments for and against the placements, but I'm okay with the outcome.
2.) D/W FD at Nationals was phenomenal. I really hope they skate like this at worlds and I do think if they do, based on what V/M have put out on the ice thus far, D/W should win. However worlds are in Canada...either way, the change before the circular step really shows the emotion. Me like.
3.) U.S. Nationals judging was laughable in the ladies event. Why Agnes and Courtney were above Gao is beyond me...she is the rightful bronze medalist. Also Wagner winning with what she put out on the ice is a whole different debate, but in the end the 2 right girls are going to worlds so it's w/e.
4.) WTF is US pairs. I can't even...
5.) I don't get Osmond. I just don't. Sorry.
6.) I don't get Radionova or however you spell it either.
7.) Samantha Cesario's LP at Nationals was beautiful.
8.) Max Aaron has really short legs.
9.) Scores and scoring is inflated in general, across all disciplines, throughout all events, etc. Get over it. There is inflation in regards to money all the time, so scores are the same way. Realize this and move on.
10.) People who get mad for skaters getting +goe on doubles need to chill. Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice etc skaters get +goe for doubles...why shouldn't high level senior competitors if they meet the bullet points for +goe. Kostner's 2s+2t+2lo was nicely executed and got +goe, just as a novice who did that same combo at a local competition would. Her step out 2s got -goe (although maybe not enough). Just because a senior level skater plans on doing a triple doesn't mean they should get negative goe on a double in the LP if they elect to do one and it doesn't detract from the overall performance. Chances are, their doubles are actually better than the juveniles doing them and receiving +goe on them. /Rant over.

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