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Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm Back!

Hello everyone,
If you haven't noticed, I've taken a little break from blogging this fall. I've been really busy these past few months and haven't been around to write good posts, but I have been keeping up with the Grand Prix and Jr. Grand Prix. I've also been checking my formspring so if anyone has any questions for me I will answer them even if I'm taking a break from blogging at the time.

These are just some thoughts on the season so far:

In the men, I actually like Patrick Chan's LP this season, and it will be magical if he ever skates it clean. However, I do think that Daisuke deserved to win the LP in the GPF. I am personally a bigger fan of Takahashi's SP than his LP, but one has to admit he skates to EVERY note in that program. I also really like Abbott's LP this season, and was impressed by his quad, however he will need to finally get it together for the second half of the season if he wants to challenge for podium positions. I have also been impressed with Fernandez's consistency and SP as well as Hanyu's LP and think these two will pose great threats in the future.

In ice dance, I have really been impressed with Weaver/Poje. Obviously team Canton is in a league of their own right now, but W/P could challenge them in the future. The Shibutanis programs just don't really do it for me this year as much as last year, most likely because of the latin SD and not-as-good similar FD. I really hope that I/K can reach their potential because they are one of the most interesting teams for me to watch, and they really have a connection that the Americans don't have. Time will tell...

I really cannot comment too much on pairs because I don't know much about the discipline, but the battle between S/S and V/T is turning out to be very interesting and should push the sport forward and hopefully the discipline back into the spotlight. I am also a big fan of Takahashi/Tran and hope they can improve their consistency because they are really a beautiful pair to watch.

And finally, my favorite discipline, the ladies. First of all I have to talk about Mao Asada. My deepest condolences to her and her family. The last thing this poor girl needed was another obstacle to overcome, but if anyone can overcome this, it's Mao. She was finally looking to be back to her old self. Even if she crumbles once again, she has shown she still has it and shows great courage to keep pushing forward. Carolina Kostner seems to be finally living up to potential, even without a lutz. Her programs this season are beautiful, especially her LP, and with Asada she really is the class of the field. Alissa's programs aren't as good this season, which is disappointing for someone who could prove herself as a world medalist this season. I have been impressed with Liza this season, however, her program actually goes around in that same circle so many times I get dizzy. She needs to fix that and fast, because otherwise, it's really not a bad program. Her lutz-toe combination is incredible, and even her spins seem slightly improved. Sotnikova should not be skating to Liebestraum because it just doesn't compare to Mao. Her nerves are also getting to her, but I expect her to get it together for the second half of the season. Leonova's LP just confuses me. Finally, I want to talk about Polina Korobeynikova. I really have been the most impressed by her this season. Yes, she struggles with consistency, but her technique is actually solid and when she hits, her jumps are big and rotated off the right edge. She actually his a good layback position! I hope she can break through because her skating is mature and beautiful, and her ice coverage is nice and fast.

Those are my thoughts, and I will try to post a few more times before I get busy again. Happy holidays readers and remember if you have a question to ask me on my formspring! I will respond.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back!

    As for Daisuke Takahashi--Blues for Klook was kind of lukewarm for me at first, but NHK was the magical performance where all the pieces fell together and triggered the chemical processes in my mind that resulted in the mammalian drive we prize above all (i.e. love). I can't stop watching that second step sequence....

    I'm kind of bored by ladies this season. I had such hopes for Mirai Nagasu, but she has just been a disappointment. I'm hoping Mao Asada will come roaring back, though. About Adelina Sotnikova--I'm sure burden of expectations/nerves played a role, but I heard she's still dealing with an injury she sustained over the summer. And LOL about Liza Tuktamisheva and the circle thing--so true. Her ice coverage is terrible.
